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Human Resources


Talent Strategy
Create a harmonious and positive company culture 
Putting people first and creating hamonius company is Oxiranchem’s enternal pursuit. The people in Oxiranchem enjoy working and tasting a better life there. 

Established an scientific human resources management system, created an healthy and harmonious humanities working environment. 

core value: 
--attracting and condensing talented person by company culture 
--creatiign developing opportunity for the talented people; 
--providing training programms for the talented people 
-- encouraging and keeping the talented person by the property system. 

Please send us your detailed resume at the below mentioned E-mail address. We offer very competitive remuneration packages and an excellent working environment. 
Send your resume to 
Mention the Post Applied For as well as Dept. 
If your qualifications and experience match our requirements, We will contact you for a personal meeting.

Contact Us

Tel:  0419-5162948
Postcode:  111003
Fax:  0419-5162958
   (Foreign Trade) 

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